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Digital Karnak
University of California Santa Cruz
Browse Archive
By Chronology
Middle Kingdom
Senusret I
New Kingdom
Amenhotep I
Thutmose I
Thutmose II
Thutmose III
Amenhotep II
Thutmose IV
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten
Ramesses I
Sety I
Ramesses II
Sety II
Ramesses III
Ramesses IX
Third Intermediate Period
Shoshenq I
Late Period
Nectanebo I
Greco-Roman Period
Philip Arrhidaeus
Ptolemy III
Ptolemy IV
Ptolemy VIII – first reign
Ptolemy VIII – second reign
Unknown Ptolemaic king
Unknown Roman ruler
By Type
Lake And River Rituals
Processional Ways
Storage Facilities
By Topic
Architectural Terms and Features
Building and Construction Methods
Maps of Karnak and Luxor
Processions and Festivals
Statuary and Stelae
Temple Daily Ritual
By Feature
1st Pylon
2nd Pylon
3rd Pylon
4th Pylon and Enclosure
5th Pylon and Court
6th Pylon and Court
7th Pylon
8th Pylon
9th Pylon
10th Pylon
Amenhotep I Calcite Chapel
Amenhotep I Limestone Chapel
Amenhotep II Shrine
Aten Temples
Bab El Amara Gate
Bubastite Portal
Central Bark Shrine
Chapel Of Hakoris
Contra Temple
East Exterior Wall
Edifice Of Amenhotep II
Enclosures and Gates
Hypostyle Hall
Khonsu Temple
Middle Kingdom Court
North Exterior Wall
Obelisk Unique
Obelisks at Contra Temple
Obelisks at Eastern Gate
Obelisks of 7th Pylon
Obelisks of Festival Hall Center Pair
Obelisks of Festival Hall East Pair
Obelisks of Festival Hall West Pair
Obelisks of Wadjet Hall
Opet Temple
Osiris Catacombs
Osiris Coptite
Osiris Heqa-Djet
Other Processional Ways
Palace of Ma’at
Psammuthis Magazine
Ptah Temple
Pylon And Festival Court Of
Thutmose II
Quays Ramps and Revetments
Ramesses II Eastern Temple
Ramesses III Temple
Red Chapel
Sacred Lake
Sety II Shrine
Shabaqo House of Gold
Shoshenq I Court
South Exterior Wall
Southern Processional Gateway
Station of the King and Corridor
Taharqo Edifice and Nilometer
Taharqo Kiosk
Temple Complex Overview
Thutmose III Shrine
Thutmose IV Peristyle Hall
Wadjet Hall
Western Processional Way
White Chapel
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