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Digital Karnak
University of California Santa Cruz
Statuary and Stelae
Object Catalog
Statue of Unknown 13th Dynasty King
Seated Statue of Sobekhotep
Victory Stela of Kamose
Fragment of Queen Ahmose-Merytamun Statue
Thutmose I Osiride Colossi
Block Statue of Senenmut with Neferure
Dedication Stela of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III
Striding Statue of Thutmose III
Dyad of Thutmose III and Amun
Statue of Thutmose III
Seated Statue of Thutmose III and Amun
Striding Colossi of Thutmose III
Thutmose III Osiride Colossi
Striding Statue of Amenhotep II
Head of Statuette of Amenhotep III
Striding Statue of Amenhotep III
Amun-Ra Naos
Seated Statue of Amenhotep, son of Hapu
Scarab of Amenhotep III
Colossal Statue of Akhenaten
Head of Colossal of Akhenaten
Amun and Amunet Dyad
Restoration Stela of Tutankhamen
Statue of Userhat and Kha
Triad of Sety I
Cult Statue of Amun-Ra
Colossal Statue of Ramesses II and Daughter
Striding Statue of Sety II
Seated Statue of Sety II
Striding Statues of Ramesses III
Statue of Isis Protecting Osiris
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