Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan
Description: This pair statue of Userhat and his wife Kha shows the couple seated with their arms intertwined. Userhat’s soft belly, sagging chest and tired facial expression mark him as an old man. His slim wife is slightly more idealized. Both are wearing wigs and their finest pleated linen clothes.
Provenance: Found during excavations of the “cachette” in the court of the 7th pylon
Person: Userhat and his wife Kha, from the reign of Horemheb
Date: 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom (1319-1306 BCE)
Material: Black granite
Functional Comments:
Dimensions: H: 53.34cm W: 27.94cm
Current Location: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
LACMA (2007). “LACMA collections online/Egyptian art.”
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