Thutmose III Shrine


The shrine of Thutmose III (known as the “chapel/shrine of the lake”) was located just before the façade of the king’s seventh pylon. The shrine opened onto the court of the seventh pylon as well as onto the western banks of the Sacred Lake.
Measurements: The calcite chapel was 3.6m across, 6.75m deep, and 4.5m high. The limestone pillared peristyle measured 12.5m across, 16.5m deep and 7.7m high. The podium stood 0.5m off the ground.

Phases of Construction

Thutmose III

Thutmose III made a copy of the calcite chapel of Amenhotep I that originally served as Karnak’s central bark shrine. The king placed his new chapel on a small podium surrounded by an 18 columned peristyle. The Thutmoside shrine was given the same name as the shrine of Amenhotep I, and it is possible that the original structure had been moved to a location near the lake by Hatshepsut.

The Thutmose III shrine served as a way station for the portable bark of the god when the sacred bark came forth from the temple to sail on the Sacred Lake.

Construction materials: sandstone, calcite (“Egyptian alabaster”)

About the reconstruction model of Thutmose III

Based on plan of chapel by Carlotti (1995: pl. XIII).

Only the very bottom portion of the walls and their relief decoration have been preserved, so a plain alabaster pattern was used on the shrine in the model. A simple sandstone pattern was used on the peristyle and podium.

Modern Site Photos


Carlotti, Jean-François. (1995),Contribution à l’ étude métrologique de quelques monuments du temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak. Cahiers de Karnak. vol. X , 65-127.

Lacau, Pierre and Henri Chevrier. (1977),Une chapelle d’Hatshepsout a Karnak. Le Caire: Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire

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