Thutmose III Osiride Colossi

Describes the following features:
  • 7th Pylon

  • Associated with the following rulers:
  • Thutmose III

  • Deals with the following topics:
  • Statuary and Stelae

  • Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan

    Description: In this work, Thutmose III adopts the typical pose of the god Osiris, arms crossed close to the chest and body wrapped in cloth. He wears the “false beard” (mostly broken) and holds an ankh sign in each hand. An identical statue stands on the other side of the gateway. Ramesses IV (1153-1147) later usurped these statues, adding his own names.

    Provenance: North side of Pylon 7
    Person: Thutmose III
    Date: Dynasty 18, New Kingdom (1479-1425 BCE)
    Material: Red granite (both)
    Functional Comments:
    Dimensions: Unknown
    Current Location: In situ at Karnak Temple


    Porter, B. and R. Moss (1929). Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs, and paintings: The Theban temples. Vol. II. Oxford, Clarendon Press. pp. 53-54.

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