Striding Statue of Thutmose III

Associated with the following rulers:
  • Thutmose III

  • Deals with the following topics:
  • Statuary and Stelae

  • Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan

    Description: This statue depicts a striding Thutmose III wearing the short shendyt kilt, a ureaus on his brow and the “white crown.” Under the king’s feet the artist has carved nine bows, symbols of Egypt’s traditional enemies.

    Provenance: The statue was found in the “cachette” in the court of the seventh pylon, but it may originally have stood within the Akhmenu.
    Person: Thutmose III
    Date: Dynasty 18, New Kingdom (1479-1425 BCE)
    Material: Gray schist
    Functional Comments:
    Dimensions: H: 2.0m
    Current Location: Cairo Museum


    Legrain, G. (1906). Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers. Le Caire, Impr. de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale. pp. 32.

    Van der Plas, D. (2006). “The Global Egyptian Museum, Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage.”

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