Striding Statue of Amenhotep III

Associated with the following rulers:
  • Amenhotep III

  • Deals with the following topics:
  • Statuary and Stelae

  • Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan

    Description: The upper portion of what originally was a striding statue of Amenhotep III shows the king wearing a nemes headdress surmounted by the “double crown.” The royal uraeus decorates his brow, and a “false beard” extends down from his chin. His left arm, bent across his torso, once held an object, possibly a standard. His right arm hung down against his side.

    Provenance: Found during excavations of the “cachette” in the court of the 7th pylon
    Person: Amenhotep III
    Date: Dynasty 18, New Kingdom (1390-1352 BCE)
    Material: Steatite
    Functional Comments: The statue was likely presented as an offering to the god Amun-Re of Karnak on behalf of Amenhotep III.
    Dimensions: H: 28cm
    Current Location: Cairo Museum


    Legrain, G. (1906). Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers. Le Caire, Impr. de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale. pp. 48-49.

    Porter, B., R. L. B. Moss, et al. (1972). Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs and paintings 2., Theban temples. Oxford, Clarendon Press. pp. 139.

    Tiradritti, F. and A. d. Luca (1999). Egyptian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. New York, H. N. Abrams. pp. 157.

    Van der Plas, D. (2006). “The Global Egyptian Museum, Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage.”

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