Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan
Description: This seated pair statue was carved from a single monolithic piece of calcite. Although the loss of the upper portion of the statue makes the identity of the pair difficult to ascertain, they may represent Amun and Thutmose III, or possibly the gods Amun and Amunet. Each figure’s outside arm originally lay on its lap, while the inside arms crossed in a gesture of embrace. The statue may have been produced under Hatshepsut, with the image of the queen recarved during the reign of her nephew.
Provenance: the Contra Temple
Person: Thutmose III?
Date: Dynasty 18, New Kingdom (1479-1425 BCE)
Material: Calcite (“Egyptian alabaster”)
Functional Comments:
Dimensions: Unknown
Current Location: In situ at Karnak Temple
Barguet, P. (1962). Le temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak; essai d’exégèse. Le Caire, Impr. de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale. pp. 220.
Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A. (1999). The temples of Karnak. London, Thames & Hudson. pl. 221.
Varille, A. (1950). “Description sommaire du sanctuarie oriental d’Amon-Rê à Karnak.” annales du service des antiquités de l’Égypte 50: 137-247.