Dyad of Thutmose III and Amun

Associated with the following rulers:
  • Thutmose III

  • Deals with the following topics:
  • Statuary and Stelae

  • Author(s): C. Zarnoch, E. Sullivan

    Description: This pair statue of Thutmoses III (left) and the god Amun (right, mostly destroyed) shows the king and the god seated on low throne, their arms intertwined behind their backs in a gesture of intimacy. The king is wearing the nemes headdress topped with double plumes and two ram horns. In his visible hand he grasps an ankh, the symbol of life. Under his feet are the “nine bows,” the symbols of Egypt’s traditional enemies. The king also wears other symbols of kingship such as the “false beard” and the short shendyt kilt. His body is slim and youthful. The figure of Amun was destroyed in antiquity and later repaired (grooves cut into the stone above the god’s body show where the missing head would have been replaced).

    Provenance: Found in the “cachette” in the court of the seventh pylon
    Person: The god Amun and king Thutmose III
    Date: Dynasty 18, New Kingdom (1479-1425 BCE)
    Material: Black schist
    Functional Comments:
    Dimensions: H: 68cm
    Current Location: Cairo Museum


    Legrain, G. (1906). Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers. Le Caire, Impr. de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale. pp. 39.

    Porter, B., R. L. B. Moss, et al. (1972). Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs and paintings 2., Theban temples. Oxford, Clarendon Press. pp. 138.

    Van der Plas, D. (2006). “The Global Egyptian Museum, Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage.” http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org

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